Lacquerware has been familiar to use over the last 1000 years.Using the trees in the forest to make vessels, harvesting lacquer from the urushi tree and coating the vessels.You can say this is truly a product is packed with the wisdom that comes from our long involvement with nature.
However, in the great flow of time this lacquerware is now meeting some major issues.Due to substitutions with cheap plastic objects, its place in our daily lives as a necessity has slipped away.In this situation many challenges are being taken up and a new path is being forged.
It is not the only industry facing major issues. In this moment when we are facing many societal problems, the promotion of a management style that takes into consideration the Earth has become necessary.This is a program where you visit the people who are involved in urushi, contrast with your own company, explore and brainstorm actions to be taken.
Explore the reason why lacquerware, which is well established in our lives in Japan, has been needed and loved for 1000 years.Learn about the challenges it faces, and how those challenges are being met.
By seeing the process of creating lacquerware, from the forest to the city, reexamine your own company’s overall ecosystem and start to develop an image of a more sustainable business practice.
Through examining the issues brought about by lifestyle changes facing the whole urushi industry, imagine the changes you can make to the products and services your company offers.
Since 2000, he has been running a design consulting company and supervising design projects in various fields. In 2012, he started Release; as a design organization for "business that the future welcomes" that combines sustainability and business potential. As a visionary who produces economic activities "between art and social change," he practices cross-disciplinary planning and direction with a range of enterprises from large corporations and municipalities to start-ups and non-profit organizations, based on a humanistic approach to reweaving the larger social narrative and business design methods based on co-creation. He believes that "kindness comes from imagination," and together with "design, the art of realizing hope," he is working to create a world where as many people as possible are living with hope in their hearts.
Worked at Patagonia Japan for 19 years, mainly in direct marketing department management before joining Release;, a general incorporated association of creative and business professionals in 2018.In February 2019, he founded Fascinate Inc. While enhancing the creativity of staff members, he creates businesses that allow them to organically connect with each other and realize the future they want, and then designs the process of walking through these businesses with their fans and providing experiences that involve empathy on a daily basis.